Gonzo (circus) biedt artists-in-residence de mogelijkheid om hun creatieve proces tijdens een residency te delen met het publiek.
Ook meedoen? Stuur ons een korte beschrijving (maximum 300 woorden) van wie je bent, waar en wanneer je een residency doet, je project en welk eindresultaat je wilt. Stuur ook enkele lo-res foto’s mee van jezelf, de omgeving en het werk.
Gonzo (circus) magazine offers artists-in-residence the opportunity to share their creative proces with the audience
In Gonzo (circus) we almost always write about the end result of an artistic process. The preparation is never shown, nor do you hear sound clips from the studio. In our section ‘The Resident’ we document and present that period of trial-and-error, it doesn’t matter if you are a visual artists or a musician. This gives our readers a unique insight into your research, including collaboration with others. And of course we are interested in the environment: are you in a cabin in the woods or in the middle of the city? In a sand castle or a tent? In rainy Kortrijk or in sunny Sao Paulo. And how does that affect your work? We’d like to show it!
Interested? Send us a brief description (maximum 300 words) of who you are, where and when you are doing a residency, your project and what end result you are aiming at and include some lo-res pictures of yourself, the environment and the work.