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NIEUWS: Vanavond 19u online KUMA Talk ‘Can Technology Overthrow Idiocracy’ met Arie Altena & Diğdem Sezen

Technomania(k) of technofoob? ‘Technomania: Opening Up Technologies’ is voor iedereen die kritisch en bewust wil omgaan met digitale technologie en media. Vanavond om 19u00 is er een online KUMA Talk over technologie, politiek, cultuur en milieu. Tune in!

Technofobie en technomanie Voor het Technomania-blog schreef publicist Arie Altena (V2_, Sonic Acts) een boeiend essay waarin hij ons uitdaagt onze eigen positie bepalen. “Technomanie, opgaan in de technologische roes. Technofobie, angst dat ons leven wordt overgenomen door technologie. Ons leven wordt steeds nauwer verweven met technologie. Maar dragen we er eigenlijk wel echt zorg voor?” Het volledige essay kun je online lezen op het Gonzo (circus)-blog.

Vanavond om 19u00 is Arie Altena samen met Diğdem Sezen te gast bij KUMA Talks, hét online discussieplatform voor de nieuwste culturele ontwikkelingen. Thema: ‘Can Technology Overthrow Idiocracy’?

Deelnemen kan via: https://webconf.vc.dfn.de/talktechnomania/.

De voertaal van de discussie is Engels. Je vindt hieronder de Engelstalige beschrijving van de KUMA Talk en nog wat meer informatie over het project Technomania: Opening Up Technologies.

Tot vanavond!

KUMA TALK: An online discussion with Arie Altena and Diğdem Sezen

A discussion initiated by Technomania. The talk will be moderated by Mert Akbal, artist and project leader at Technomania.

A recent study published by applied mathematician Safa Motesharrei and his team points out that our current civilization is on the brink of collapse because of its unequally distributed and unsustainable resourced economical system. While the mass environmental destruction is a phenomenon tightly connected to a rapid technological development happening since the dawn of industrial age, optimistic scientists see technology as a cure to stop this destruction. From their point of view using technology is able to create a culture which is in harmony with nature. On May 14 starting at 7.00 p.m. we will talk about the strategic value of technology as a harbinger of environmental, political and socioeconomical evolution with the scientists Diğdem Sezen and Arie Altena.

Diğdem Sezen (Turkey) holds a PhD in Communications from Istanbul University. During her PhD, she got the Fulbright scholarship for her doctoral studies and did research in the field of interactive narratives, new media literacies, digital games and experimental television at Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Digital Media.

Arie Altena (Netherlands) studied Literary Theory and writes about the intersections between art and technology. Since 2004 he is part of the curatorial team that organises the Sonic Acts festival in Amsterdam, and that has organised the 2011, 2012, and 2013 editions of the Kontraste festival in Krems. He is also editor/researcher at V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam. Arie frequently publishes articles in his own blog, in Gonzo (circus) and other media.

Over het project

Hoe kunnen we kritisch leren denken over technologie en vooral die technologie ons opnieuw toe-eigenen? Het is het onderwerp van een internationale reeks hands-on workshops (kritisch omgaan met social media, burgerjournalistiek, blender en arduino) en uitwisselingen tussen Turkije, Duitsland, Oostenrijk, België en Nederland opgezet door Grizine (Istanbul), xm:lab (Saarbrücken) en Gonzo (circus) getiteld ‘Technomania: Opening Up Technologies’.

Meer informatie over het project vind je op technomanie.eu. Interesse of meer weten? Stuur een mailtje naar gc(at)gonzocircus(dot)com.

‘Technomania: Opening Up Technologies’ kwam tot stand met de steun van Mitost, Stiftung Mercatur, Anadolu Kültür en European Cultural Foundation.

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